Picture of Kiera Wiatrak

Kiera Wiatrak

Enhancing Your Writing with AI: A Guide to Harnessing Its Power Without Sacrificing Your Authenticity

As AI becomes increasingly sophisticated and prevalent in the creative world, it’s hardly surprising that many writers and marketing professionals are grappling with the ethical implications of bringing this very non-human technology into their very human work. From concerns about plagiarism and the spread of false information to fears about the loss of the human touch, there’s no denying that the rise of AI in writing has sparked a heated debate.

However, as with most things, the answer to the moral quandary of “to AI or not to AI” lies thoroughly in the grey area. AI is not inherently good or bad – it’s all about how we choose to use it. When approached with intention and care, AI can actually be a powerful tool for enhancing your writing without sacrificing your unique voice and perspective. When used responsibly, instead of handing over the reins to AI completely, you can leverage the boost in productivity to become a one-person copywriting agency.

Without further ado, let’s jump into some of the best ways to use AI as a booster, not a crutch.

Brainstorming with AI

While brainstorming is the inception of the creative process, it can be challenging to always have to come up with fresh ideas and perspectives on demand. AI can be a game changer by providing you a jumping off point. By inputting your topic or theme into an AI system, you can generate a wealth of related concepts, questions, and angles to explore in your writing.

Say you’re tasked with writing an article about the best ways to grow brand visibility when expanding into a new market. You could prompt your AI of choice with something along the lines of:

[I am writing an article about best practices for increasing brand visibility before expanding into a new market. The audience of this article is marketing leads of small and medium sized businesses that are planning to introduce their brand to new audiences, whether they be different age demographics, geographic locations, or through different platforms. I need you to provide a comprehensive list of related subtopics associated with this topic. This should be formatted as an outline for the article, grouping together related concepts.]

Alternatively, if you were looking to narrow the scope of the article or create a series of articles, you could try a prompt such as:

[I am writing an article about best practices for increasing brand visibility before expanding into a new market. The audience of this article is marketing leads of small and medium sized businesses that are planning to introduce their brand to new audiences, whether they be different age demographics, geographic locations, or through different platforms. Write a list of the 10 most frequently asked questions or concerns of this audience when approaching a brand expansion.]


To get the most out of brainstorming with AI, try inputting abstract or unconventional prompts. The more diverse and creative your input, the more surprising and thought-provoking the AI-generated ideas will be. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and see where the AI takes you!

Aggregating information with AI

When writing about complex topics or attempting to synthesize large amounts of information, it can be tricky (and exorbitantly time consuming) to identify the key themes, connections, and takeaways. Lucky for you, AI specializes in exactly this. By using AI to analyze and aggregate your research and notes, you can gain a clearer understanding of the most important points and how they relate to one another.

In my experience, the best way to have AI analyze lots of information is by putting it into a single document, preferably a PDF. Then, you can add the PDF along with your prompt and direct the AI on how to use it.

For example, if you’re writing an article about seasonal trends in digital and print design, you may compile a bunch of resources about the topic from a wide range of sources into a single document. Then, upload the document to AI and use a prompt like:

[I need you to analyze the attached PDF, in which I have compiled a large amount of information about the most recent trends in digital, print, packaging, and logo design. You are to read the document and identify any patterns and common themes among the many sources compiled in the document. You are to break your observations up into commonalities within each type of design separately. Then, you are to provide an overview of the commonalities between all or several types of design. Then, you are to provide the 5 most crucial takeaways about the topic as a whole.]

Armed with this high-level overview, you can approach your writing with greater clarity and purpose, ensuring that every paragraph and sentence is working together to support your central topic.

Finishing thoughts when you’re stuck

Writer’s block is a universal struggle that plagues even the most experienced writers. Whether you’re having trouble finding the right words to express an idea or simply can’t seem to finish a thought, the blinking cursor can feel like a silent taunt. But what if you could call on AI to help you push through those moments of frustration and get your creative juices flowing again?

By prompting AI with your unfinished thought or sentence, you can generate multiple potential ways to complete it. While you may not use the AI’s suggestions verbatim, they can serve as a valuable starting point for reigniting your inspiration and helping you find the words you’re looking for. Say for example, that you need a way to drive home a sentence:

[Please provide a list of 5 ways that I could finish the following sentence: "While AI can be useful to writers looking to boost their productivity,". The theme of the piece of writing as a whole is how to use AI to help improve your writing without sacrificing your unique voice.]

On top of helping you finish your thoughts, you can also use AI to suggest ways to link two thoughts for a better flow:

[I am writing an article about how to use AI to help improve your writing without sacrificing your unique voice. I need help linking the following two points: A) AI raises ethical concerns about losses of creativity and individualism. B) Using AI as a tool can assist creative professionals in improving their writing and productivity.]

Finding redundant phrasing

One of the biggest pitfalls writers face is avoiding redundancy and repetition in their work. While it’s only natural that we all have our go-to sentence structures, buzz words, and phrases, their overuse can lead to writing that feels stale and monotonous. Fortunately, AI can help you identify these patterns and offer suggestions to mix things up.

By asking AI to analyze your writing for repeated words, phrases, and sentence structures, you can gain insight into your writing habits and find opportunities for diversification. AI can provide synonyms, alternative phrasing, and even suggest structural changes to help you break out of your writing rut and keep your readers engaged. For example, use the prompt below to get a general overview of spots where you can get a little more creative:

[I would like you to act as a creative copywriter. You are to identify any redundancies in words, phrasing, and sentence structure in the writing below that would distract the reader or hinder the piece's impact. Please write a list of your suggestions to eliminate all redundancies, and provide solutions for more diversity in language and structure.]

You can also prompt it to suggest alternative phrasing or synonyms to help you express your ideas more effectively. This is especially useful in those “I can’t think of the word” moments, or if all the words coming to mind aren’t quite right. In fact, I used the following prompt just today when I was looking for a friendlier word for “scrutinize” that began with a vowel:

[I need a word, term, or phrase, beginning with a vowel, to replace "scrutinize" that maintains the implied depth but comes across as friendlier and less critical.]

Finding things you’ve missed

Nobody can be perfect all the time. So, no matter how diligent you are in your writing process, there’s always the possibility that you’ve overlooked an important aspect of your topic or failed to consider a relevant perspective. Before you start editing, try asking AI to review your writing and suggest additional points to include. This can help you can uncover blind spots and gaps in your work that you may not have noticed otherwise.

AI can draw on its wide-reaching knowledge base to suggest examples, case studies, and research that can enrich your writing and make your arguments more compelling. It can also help you anticipate potential counterarguments or questions that your readers may have, allowing you to address them proactively and strengthen your overall piece.

For example, if you’re writing a listicle about the benefits of morning meditation, you can simply prompt AI with something like:

[I have attached a list-style blog post about the benefits of morning meditation. Review the article and provide a list of suggestions for additional benefits, points, and arguments that would further enrich the argument of the article. Keep in mind that the key takeaway of the article is to encourage people to practice morning meditation.]

By incorporating these suggestions, you can put forth a more comprehensive and well-rounded piece that anticipates your readers’ needs and provides them with the information and guidance they’re looking for.

AI as an editor

Quick turnarounds and limited resources mean that the responsibility of editing often falls right back onto the desk of the writer. But now, AI can take on that burden for you. So, after you’ve poured your heart and soul into your piece, ask AI to provide suggestions for improvement. For example, for comprehensive feedback on your writing, you can use a prompt such as:

[You are to act as an experienced copy editor. Review the following piece of writing and provide a list of suggestions for improvement. This can include things like areas that should be expanded upon for clarification, areas that should be trimmed for conciseness, suggestions for ordering the piece to flow more naturally, and any language that is confusing or choppy.]

This free, fast editor, will give you feedback on your writing from an objective perspective so you can identify areas that need clarification or refinement. Because you know your voice better than anyone, you likely won’t adopt all of its suggestions. But AI can certainly save you time by helping you notice points of confusion that you otherwise may have missed.

Stay productive, but stay yourself

AI isn’t here to replace your creativity—it’s here to amplify it. Of course, AI is not a replacement for human judgment. While it can offer valuable insights and suggestions, ultimately, you as the writer must decide which guidance to incorporate and which to disregard. These techniques are simply ways to break through mental blocks, refine your ideas, and polish your prose. Naturally, the real magic can only happen when you bring your unique perspective to the table.

The future of writing isn’t about humans versus machines. It’s about finding the sweet spot where technology enhances rather than overshadows human creativity. As AI tools become more prevalent, your distinct voice and experiences become even more valuable. They’re what set your work apart in the growing sea of content.

So, don’t be afraid to experiment with AI in your writing process. Use it to challenge your assumptions, expand your horizons, and refine your craft. But always remember: the most powerful tool at your disposal isn’t artificial intelligence—it’s your own. Your thoughts, your experiences, your voice—that’s what truly connects with readers. AI can help you express it more clearly, but it can never replicate it.

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