How to Use Content Mapping to Overcome Conversion Speedbumps
It can be disheartening to launch content promoting a new offering, only to find sign-ups trickling in but sales staying stagnant. Where is it going wrong? Well, this sales-crushing disconnect can typically be chalked up to ineffectively leading prospects across the entire buying journey. While awareness-building content grasps attention, it neglects specifics needed for consideration […]
Climbing the Content Ladder: A Step-by-Step Guide to Developing a Messaging Hierarchy
Have you ever scrolled through a brand’s website or social media and noticed a disconnect? The blogs talk about one thing, the emails another, and the Instagram graphics something else entirely. The disjointedness probably left you with one overwhelming question: Huh? This kind of fragmentation is an unfortunate reality of brands without a solid messaging […]
4 Strategies to Concept and Execute Groundbreaking Marketing Campaigns
One of the most common misconceptions surrounding great marketing campaigns is that they started with a “good idea.” Cue an executive shooting up in bed in the middle of the night with a light bulb appearing above their head – complete with the fuzzy night cap and all. The truth is that good ideas, and […]
How to use automation to keep an eye on the competition
When you were young, your mom may have asked you if you’d jump off a bridge if everyone else were doing it (mine did). In the world of marketing, what matters more is understanding why everyone is going off the bridge in the first place. In other words, knowing not just what your competitors are […]
5 steps to measure the true value of social media analytics
Learn to leverage your social media analytics to quantify, strategize and optimize your brand.
How to perform free market research to grow your business
Your audience is already telling you what they want. Are you prepared to listen?