Catalytic Conversions: Using Content to Guide Customer Decision Making

Table of Contents: Think back to the last thing you bought. I’m not talking about an iced coffee or a bottle of nail polish that caught your eye at the drugstore. I’m talking about a bigger ticket item, one that called for research, mulling over, and maybe even an “I’ll sleep on it”. For me, […]

Activate the Think-Feel-Do Framework to Create Content That Converts

We all know producing content is pivotal for lead generation, brand building, the whole shebang. But pumping out posts without strategy is sure to get you lackluster results. What if there was a proven framework that you could apply to content marketing to craft content that resonates with your audience and drives action? Well, say […]

How to Use Content Mapping to Overcome Conversion Speedbumps

It can be disheartening to launch content promoting a new offering, only to find sign-ups trickling in but sales staying stagnant. Where is it going wrong? Well, this sales-crushing disconnect can typically be chalked up to ineffectively leading prospects across the entire buying journey. While awareness-building content grasps attention, it neglects specifics needed for consideration […]

Tie Your Content Marketing to Business Objectives with This Looker Studio Template

Content Marketing Optimization Dashboard

This Looker Studio template is designed to help marketers and businesses visualize the full-funnel impact of their content marketing initiatives. By looking at awareness, consideration, and conversion metrics in tandem, businesses can gauge how growth in metrics such as readership and time spent with content directly funnel into sales.

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